Lore & Races


Harnessing the Fury of Zephyrus
Born of the turbulent planet Zephyrus, the Tempests are a race of elemental masters, their technology honed by generations of battling harsh weather and volatile landscapes. They are a people of swiftness, strength, and an unwavering connection to the natural forces that shape their existence.

Elemental Mastery

The Tempests possess an innate ability to sense elements that rage across Zephyrus. Through a combination of rigorous training and advanced technology they have learned to harness the fury of their dangerous home planet.

Technology of the Elements

Tempest technology is focused around survival and strength in the face of their chaotic landscape. Their suits and weapons are infused with highly renewable energy storage, with the right tweaking to their needs this allows them to channel lightning, manipulate wind currents, and even summon localized weather patterns given the energy sources are adequate. This mastery of the elements combined with their unique and dangerous martial arts makes them formidable opponents, both in close-quarters combat and in large-scale engagements.

The Tempests on Astraeus

Drawn to Astraeus by the allure of the powerful Astraen Crystals, the Tempests are a solitary and enigmatic presence on the planet. While they are fiercely competitive in their pursuit of the crystals to be able to maintain their elemental technology upkeep, they remain largely aloof from other races, preferring to rely on their own skills and knowledge to achieve their goals.

The Tempest Warrior

In battle, Tempests are a whirlwind of elemental fury. Their movements are swift and unpredictable, their attacks a symphony of crackling lightning, swirling winds, and earth-shattering tremors. Their martial arts are honed by centuries of tradition, and their technology based elemental powers amplify their already impressive physical abilities.

Motivation Beyond Crystals

While the Astraen Crystals hold a powerful allure for the Tempests, their motivations extend beyond mere resource acquisition. They seek knowledge, seeking to learn from the unique elemental properties of Astraeus and expand their understanding of the universe.

General Description

Zephyrus is a planet of extremes, a tempestuous planet shaped by volatile weather patterns and unpredictable elemental forces. Its landscape is a breathtaking panorama of towering storms, erupting volcanoes, and vast, windswept plains. Zephyrus is a challenging and unforgiving world, but it is also a place of immense beauty and raw power.


Composition: Primarily nitrogen and oxygen, with varying concentrations of water vapor, dust, and volcanic ash depending on location and weather conditions.
Pressure: Highly variable, ranging from near-vacuum at high altitudes to crushing pressures in the depths of storm systems.
Temperature: Extreme fluctuations, from scorching heat near volcanic vents to sub-zero temperatures in the polar regions and high altitudes.


Dominated by: Towering storm systems, active volcanoes, vast plains, and rugged mountain ranges.
Notable features: The Eye of the Storm, a perpetually raging hurricane at the planet's equator; the Volcanic Heartlands, a region of active volcanoes and lava flows; the Windswept Plains, vast stretches of grassland shaped by constant winds; and the Frozen Peaks, towering mountain ranges capped in ice and snow.

Common Fauna

Common Name: Sandscale Raptor Latin Name: Arenascala velociraptor
Common Name: Marshclaw Beast Latin Name: Paludungula monstrosus
Common Name: Deepwater Devourer Latin Name: Abyssovora horridus

Common Flora

Common Name: Spiked Desert Bloom Latin Name: Spinosafloris deserti
Common Name: Floating Shield Plant Latin Name: Natantescudo plantarum
Common Name: Stormpetal Fungus Latin Name: Tempestifungus petala

Indigenous Civilization

The Tempests are the dominant intelligent species on Zephyrus.
Their civilization is built to withstand the planet's harsh weather, with cities constructed from durable materials and designed to harness the power of the elements.
Tempest architecture is characterized by its streamlined forms, aerodynamic designs, and integration of elemental control technologies.


Zephyrus is rich in geothermal and wind energy, harnessed by the Tempests to power their cities and technology.
The planet's volatile atmosphere and geological activity produce a variety of rare minerals and elements.
The Tempests have developed advanced technologies for weather manipulation and energy generation, utilizing the planet's natural forces to their advantage.

Challenges and Dangers

The unpredictable and extreme weather patterns pose a constant threat to life and infrastructure.
Volcanic eruptions and seismic activity can trigger devastating natural disasters.
The planet's harsh environment requires specialized equipment and survival skills.

Cultural Significance

Zephyrus is the birthplace of the Tempest race, and its volatile nature has shaped their culture and values.
The planet is revered by the Tempests as a source of power and inspiration, a testament to their ability to harness the forces of nature and thrive in the face of adversity.


Note: Game is in development and all details are subject to change.

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