Lore & Races


A Swarm of Consumption
Having escaped the ravaged planet of Anansi, the Unified are a chilling testament to the potential horrors of unchecked evolution. A grotesque amalgamation of once-diverse insect hive minds, they exist as a singular, consuming entity driven by an insatiable hunger for resources and expansion.


The Unified began as a collection of individual insect species, each with their own specialized roles and intricate social structures. Over time, however, competition for resources and the drive for survival led to a gradual merging of these hives. This evolutionary misstep culminated in the creation of a monstrous queen, known simply as the ‘Hive Mind’, a grotesque hybrid of countless insect forms.

The Hive Mind and Bio-Nodes

Under the queen's influence, the Unified transformed into a unified swarm, consuming all life on Anansi and ultimately destroying the planet's atmosphere. Driven by an instinctual need to survive, the hive mind spawned bio-nodes - biological pods filled with the Unified's genetic material and a core of hive mind workers. These bio-nodes were launched into space, carrying the potential for infestation to new worlds.

The Threat to Astraeus

One such bio-node found its way to Astraeus. The planet's unique ecosystem has, so far, prevented the Unified from spreading as rapidly as it would on other worlds. However, the presence of the Unified remains a constant threat, a lurking menace that could erupt at any moment, consuming all life in its path.

Unified Biology

The Unified are a biological nightmare, a mass of interconnected organisms that operate as a single entity. Their bodies are composed of countless insects, each fulfilling a specific role in the swarm's survival. They are relentless, adaptable, and driven by a primal urge to consume and expand.

The Unified Mind

While individual insects within the swarm possess limited intelligence, the collective hive mind is vast and cunning. It operates on instinct and a rudimentary form of logic, prioritizing the survival and growth of the swarm above all else.

Unified Tactics

The Unified's tactics are simple yet devastatingly effective: overwhelm, consume, and expand. They swarm their enemies, overwhelming them with sheer numbers and relentless attacks. Their diverse sizes and methods of fighting make them formidable opponents, even for the most advanced weaponry.

General Description

Anansi is a lifeless husk, a chilling testament to the devastating power of the Unified. The once vibrant planet has been stripped of its atmosphere and all traces of life, leaving behind a barren wasteland adrift in the cold vacuum of space. Its surface, once teeming with diverse ecosystems, is now a desolate landscape of twisted chitinous structures, acidic pools, and vast networks of empty tunnels.


Composition: None. The planet's atmosphere has been completely eradicated by the Unified's biological processes.


Dominated by: Sprawling, empty hive structures, interconnected by a vast network of silent tunnels and bridges.
Notable features: The Queen's Nest, a massive, hollowed-out structure that once housed the heart of the hive; the Acidic Pools, now frozen and lifeless; and the Scarred Plains, vast stretches of barren rock and dust, devoid of any trace of life.

Flora and Fauna

None. All native life forms have been eradicated by the Unified, leaving behind a sterile and desolate environment.

Indigenous Civilization

None. The Unified have abandoned Anansi, leaving behind only the remnants of their once-thriving civilization.


Anansi's natural resources have been exhausted by the Unified.
The planet's only remaining value lies in the salvaged remains of the hive structures, which could be used for research or repurposed for other uses.

Challenges and Dangers

The lack of atmosphere and extreme temperatures make Anansi uninhabitable without specialized life support systems.
The remaining hive structures are unstable and could collapse at any moment.
The planet's desolate landscape offers no shelter or resources for survival.

Cultural Significance

Anansi serves as a chilling reminder of the destructive potential of unchecked ambition and the devastating consequences of ecological collapse.
The planet's fate is a haunting warning to other civilizations, a testament to the fragility of life and the importance of preserving the delicate balance of nature.


Note: Game is in development and all details are subject to change.

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