Lore & Races


Masters of Poison and Adaptation
From the sweltering, swampy planet of Yamata, the Yamatans are a formidable reptilian race comprised of eight distinct species. United by their unique physiology and mastery of poison, they stand as a testament to the power of adaptation and evolution.
Each Yamatan species boasts a unique appearance and set of abilities, yet they share a common biological trait: an innate affinity for poison. Their bodies have evolved to utilize venom not as a weapon, but as a performance enhancer. When exposed to the toxins found in their native environment or secreted by their weapons, Yamatans experience an adrenaline-like surge, enhancing their strength, agility, and reflexes.
Communication and Technology:
While their guttural vocalizations may seem rudimentary to other races, the Yamatans possess a complex language rich in nuance and expression. They are also surprisingly technologically advanced, wielding data-pads and sophisticated tools to navigate the intricacies of intergalactic trade and communication.
The Lure of Astraen Crystals:
The Yamatans harbor an intense fixation on the Astraen Crystals, venturing to Astraeus in relentless pursuit of these enigmatic treasures. Astraen Crystals are a source of immense power, sought after by many races across the galaxy. The crystals are known to have caused countless deaths on Astraeus, a testament to their power and the danger inherent in their acquisition. The Yamatans' motives for seeking these crystals remain shrouded in mystery, but their determination and resilience in the face of danger speak volumes about the importance of these crystals to their culture and survival.
In combat, Yamatans are a force to be reckoned with. Their poison-infused weaponry not only inflicts physical harm but also releases toxins into the air, creating a battlefield that becomes increasingly advantageous to them with each passing moment. Their tactics are often brutal and direct, reflecting their primal instincts and unwavering resolve.
The Yamatans remain a closed book to the other races of Astraeus, their secrets closely guarded. Yet, their presence on the planet is undeniable, and their pursuit of Astraen Crystals hints at a deeper purpose that extends beyond mere greed or conquest.

Yamatan Home Planet:

General Description:
Yamata is a humid, swampy world teeming with life. Its dense atmosphere is thick with moisture and volatile gases, creating a greenhouse effect that traps heat and fuels the planet's vibrant ecosystem. The landscape is dominated by sprawling swamps, dense jungles, and winding rivers teeming with strange and often dangerous creatures. While their homeworld remains largely preserved, Yamatans have successfully terraformed numerous other planets, establishing sprawling megacities that push the boundaries of their civilization's expansion across the galaxy's edge.
Composition: Primarily nitrogen and oxygen, with significant amounts of methane, carbon dioxide, and other trace gases.
Pressure: Roughly 1.5 times that of Earth's atmosphere.
Temperature: Average surface temperature of 35°C (95°F), with high humidity and frequent rainstorms.
Dominated by: Vast swamps, dense jungles, winding rivers, and occasional plateaus.
Notable features: The Poisonous Mire, a sprawling swamp known for its unique flora and fauna; the Venomous Peaks, a range of volcanic mountains spewing toxic gases; and the Serpent's Spine, a massive river system that winds through the heart of the continent.
Common Fauna:
Predominantly reptilian and amphibian life forms, adapted to the poisonous atmosphere and humid environment.
Common Name: Emberback Lizard Latin Name: Flammarugae dorsumignis
Common Name: Thornscale Toad Latin Name: Spinaescalae bufonis
Common Name: Mossback Behemoth Latin Name: Muscusgiganteus colossus
Common Flora:
Common Name: Luminous Swampcap Latin Name: Luminocephalum palustris
Common Name: Waterborne Umbrella Latin Name: Hydroscopia natans
Common Name: Verdant Lanternshroom Latin Name: Viridilucens fungorbis
The Yamatans are the dominant intelligent species on Yamata.
Their civilization on Yamata is built around the swamps, with cities constructed on raised platforms and interconnected by a network of waterways, preserving much of the natural environment.
Yamatan architecture on their homeworld is characterized by its organic shapes, incorporating natural materials and blending seamlessly with the surrounding environment.
On other terraformed planets, Yamatan megacities sprawl across the landscape, showcasing their technological prowess and ambition for expansion.
Yamata is rich in rare minerals and exotic plant life, many of which possess unique chemical properties.
The planet's poisonous atmosphere and hostile environment make resource extraction a dangerous and challenging endeavor.
The Yamatans have developed specialized technologies and equipment to navigate and exploit their planet's resources.
Challenges and Dangers:
The atmosphere is toxic to most non-native species, requiring specialized breathing apparatus and protective gear.
The humid climate and stagnant waters breed a variety of diseases and parasites.
The wildlife is often aggressive and territorial, posing a constant threat to unwary travelers.
Cultural Significance:
Yamata is the birthplace of the Yamatan races, and its harsh environment has shaped their culture and physiology.
The planet is revered by the Yamatans as a sacred place, a crucible of life and death that has forged them into the resilient and adaptable race they are today.
Note: Game is in development and all details are subject to change.

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